Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Lucinda has been really attentive of late, really unlike her, kind of hanging around with me, watching me, not in a bad way... she's been really attentive... no that's not the right word. It's not like she's been waiting on me hand and foot, rather she's been just wanting to hang-out... all the time. If I'm sitting around reading the paper then she wants to sit around and read the paper, I want to watch re-runs of The Prisoner, she wants to watch re-runs of The Prisoner, I want to pick my toes while listening to desert island disks on a Sunday morning in my underpants... well you get the idea.

Which is odd - because she isn't usually like that. She always got a plan, a thing to do and a place to be, there's this undercurrent of tension in her... actually she has been impatient of late... but with the small things in life... like supermarket ques and answerphones... and anything that isn't bsaically bumming around the flat with me.

Which is odd.

But also really good in some ways.

But there again, I can't help but wander if she is feeling guilty about something and then I think about Josh and then I get worried...

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