Friday, July 11, 2008

A little discovery...

... okay I guess after my outburst about Josh that I can be sure that no one I know is reading this... well at least if they are they aren't telling me jack because... well because no one has got back to me over anything.

So I can write about what happened this morning.

I found something.

Something very personal to Lucinda, very important and in the strangest of places.

A couple of years back I found out that she had a secret sister - actualy I'm really not sure I should be doing this - but no one else seems to pay attention to me these days - I've faded to far in the background it sometimes feel - and no one is reading...

And just now it feels good.

Anyway - I heard her talking to Josh about her, this estranged sister, it sounded like they were separated when they were kids and Lucinda says she has a picture of her and it was this big secret... I never let her know I overheard them... sometimes its goodto know these things - to -well have these things and not let on.

So anyway this mornign I'm laying out my breakfast and I notice that Lucinda has bought a new packet of Shreddies and they've got Magic Roundabout figurines in them - and this of course makes me think of Dougal - the Dougal I found in the wall in Kemp town.

So I dig - wanting to see if I can start collecting the set - the packet is already open but I don't pull out a toy... my hand slides in I feel apiece of glossy card anad I pull out a picture - of two girls - one blonde haired and the other dark haired - its not a whole picture its slike a slither - they are sitting together and holding hands and they look pretty comforatable and they look a little alike (though its hard to tell because you can only see half their faces) - and I recognise the blonde girl.

Its Lucinda...

And I don't know who the dark girl is but I can guess.

And I look at the picture - which is pretty curled up and battered and I slide it back into the packet.

And I'm pretty puzzled.

And the next day it is gone...

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